The universe is commonly defined as the totality of everything that exists Tudung all physical matter and energy, the planets, stars, galaxies and the contents of intergalactic space. The study of universe is known as Cosmology Cosmology = cosmos (universe) + logos (science)

is a vast system of billions of stars, which also contains a large number as clouds (mainly of hydrogen gas) and dust, isolated in space from similar systems There are about 100 billion galaxies (10 galaxies in the universe, and each valaxy has, on an average, 100 billion stars (10 stars) So, the total number of stars in the universe is 10 stars The Milky Way Galaxy is the home of the Earth and our Solar System. It is spiral in shape Milky Way Galaxy was formed 5 billion years after the Big Bang Latest known galaxy is the Dwarf Galaxy. > According to the modern thought, universe can be classified into two parts namely-(a) Atmosphere and (b) Space > Origin of the universe is explained by the Big Bang Theory, formulated and proposed by the Belgium astronomer and cosmologist Abbe Georges Lemaitre. Ind > Andromeda is our nearest galaxy The Big Bang Theory

All the matter in the universe was originally a concentrated lump called primeval atom Big Bang was an explosion that occurred 15 billion years ago, leading to the formation of galaxies of stars and other cosmic bodies Since then, all the galaxies have been flying away from one another causing

expansion of the universe. Star

Clumps of dust and gas in a nebula come together due to gravity and form stars. > Stars are made of hot burning gases.

They emit light of their own and are very large and very hot. Light takes about 4.3 years to reach us from the next nearest start centauri

The Solar System

The solar system consists of the sun, the eight planets and their satellites or moons), and thousands of other smaller heavenly bodies such as asteroids comets and meteors.

There was a TV show that originally ran on PBS for just 13 episodes in the final months of 1980, but it’s been seen by more than 500 million people in 60 countries. The host of this show, Cosmos: A Personal Voyage, was neither a famous comedian, nor a talk-show star, nor a legend of stage and screen. It was Carl Sagan, an astrophysicist. This article will present the advantages of majoring in astrophysics.

Like Sagan, today’s astrophysicists tackle some of the biggest questions in—and about—the universe. How big is it? How old is it? Does life (and if so, what kinds of life) exist beyond our humble little planet?

There aren’t too many degrees to pursue that allow you to announce you’re going to college to understand the universe and our place in it. But that’s the simple task of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Astrophysics Division, and with an astrophysics degree, you can join that quest—or find a number of careers that also aim high.

When one compares the role of an astronomer with that of an astrophysicist, the stars often align: degrees in either can lead to similar jobs, and some colleges and universities combine the two disciplines in a single major. But to split hairs (or atoms), imagine two people staring at the stars. The one who observes the motion or position of the celestial objects (planets, stars, etc.) leans toward astronomy.

But if you’re more interested in the actual properties (that is, the physics) of those celestial objects, as well as the origins of those objects, you’d be thinking like an astrophysicist. Here’s what you need to know about launching a career path the begins with an astrophysics degree.

How are you with numbers?

As mentioned above, you might find astrophysics programs within an astronomy or physics department, rather than as a standalone program, so it’s important to review the offerings of each college or university to ensure you’re enrolling in a program with the right focus.

If you have an interest in astrophysics, you’ve likely been a stargazer since an early age, and you took very seriously those solar system diorama assignments. It behooves you to have taken advanced math and science classes, because astrophysics programs begin with a heavy workload of algebra, calculus, and physics.

Of course, you’ll also be immersed in astronomy. This includes not just what you’d expect when you study stars, galaxies, and black holes, but related topics including astrostatistics, the analysis of astronomical data.


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